The glade file is [here] and the code is below

# This sample program creates a very simple Gtk counter.  Its
# interface consists of three widgets: A label, a rapidly increasing
# counter, and a button to reset that counter.
# the 1 - 4 here corresponds to the points in the cookbook entry without
# glade
# 4. Because with POE::Session::GladeXML2, you create the gui through glade
# instead of code, and because it expects all the gtk signal handlers to
# be in a seperate package, it becomes even easier to seperate the GUI
# specific code from the non-gui-dependant code.
package Foo;
use warnings;
use strict;

# POE::Loop::Glib doesn't initialize Gtk2 (for obvious reasons), so we
# do it here
use Gtk2-init;
use POE;
use POE::Session::GladeXML2;

sub new {
  my ($class) = @_;
  my $self = bless {}, $class;
  my $session = POE::Session::GladeXML2->create(
    glade_object => $self,
    glade_file   => '',

# 1. You can use the glade_mainwin parameter to create() to tell which
# widget should be considered the main window.
    glade_mainwin => 'window1',
    inline_states => {
      _start   => \&ui_start,
      ev_count => \&ui_count,
  return $self;

sub ui_start {
  my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
  $heap->{counter} = 0;

# Handle the "ev_count" event by increasing a counter and displaying
# its new value.
sub ui_count {
  my ($session, $kernel, $heap) = @_[SESSION, KERNEL, HEAP];

# 2. When using Gtk2::GladeXML, you can get any widget by name. Thus
# there is no more need to store them yourself.
  my $label = $session->gladexml->get_widget('counter_label');

# 3. Instead of having to manually connect gtk signals with poe event
# handlers, POE::Session::GladeXML2 automatically connects the handler
# name you set in glade with the corresponding method in the object you
# pass as glade_object.
sub ui_clear {
  $_[HEAP]->{counter} = 0;

package main;
use POE;

# Run the program until it is exited.
my $foo = Foo->new;
exit 0;