This version was released on 2006-06-16.

  2006-06-16 07:04:07 (r1990) by rcaputo
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M; poe/mylib/gen-tests.perl M

    Use POSIX::_exit(0) for the event loop tests when they're run in
    ActiveState Perl. POE::Wheel::Run (perhaps the forking) crashes Perl
    when the wheel_run.t test is run with Tk's event loop. Using POSIX's
    _exit() seems to avoid the problem. 

  2006-06-15 20:05:27 (r1989) by rcaputo; poe/mylib/gen-tests.perl M

    Detabify the test generator. More importantly, turn on autoflush for
    the BEGIN blocks that skip all tests. These skips happen without
    Test::More being invoked, so Test::More's autoflushing is not

  2006-06-15 15:12:30 (r1988) by rcaputo; poe/lib/ M

    Bump the version for release. 

  2006-06-14 15:33:11 (r1987) by bsmith; poe/mylib/gen-tests.perl M

    Change do back to require as require correctly rethrows any errors
    produced by the included file. 

  2006-06-13 15:52:39 (r1986) by rcaputo; poe/lib/POE/Filter/ M

    Apply a fix described by Eben Rauhut. He pointed out a place where we
    return a response without clearing the filter's HTTP headers buffer.
    This commit clears the headers buffer there and replaces a delete on
    an arrayref with an assignment of undef in other places. 

  2006-06-13 15:06:09 (r1985) by rcaputo; poe/lib/ M

    Attempt to resolve a documentation incongruity, per Tim Otten's
    report in ticket 19122. 

  2006-06-13 14:55:10 (r1984) by rcaputo; poe/lib/POE/Wheel/ M

    Apply Randal Schwartz's support for pty-pipe, a POE::Wheel::Run
    hybrid conduit that allows stdio to use a pty and stderr to report
    out of band via a pipe. Resolves ticket 19607. 

  2006-06-13 14:31:33 (r1983) by rcaputo; poe/lib/POE/ M

    Move alarm_adjust() after alarm_set(), per the recommendation of ticket 19257. 

  2006-06-11 19:40:54 (r1982) by bsmith; poe/MANIFEST M

    Added 02_api_ctl.t from the previous change to MANIFEST.

  2006-06-11 19:32:59 (r1981) by bsmith
  poe/tests/10_units/03_base/02_api_ctl.t A

    New tests for POE::API::Ctl.

  2006-06-11 19:23:12 (r1980) by rcaputo
  poe/lib/POE/Loop/ M; poe/lib/POE/Loop/ M;
  poe/lib/POE/Resource/ M; poe/lib/POE/Loop/ M;
  poe/lib/POE/Loop/ M; poe/lib/POE/Loop/ M;
  poe/lib/POE/Loop/ M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ A; poe/MANIFEST M;
  poe/lib/POE/ M; poe/lib/POE/Loop/ M;
  poe/lib/POE/ M

    Resolve Stuart Kendrick's bug, 19529, in which POE resets
    all signal handlers at "use" time. This is too early for some
    applications. Now it doesn't even DEFAULT/IGNORE signals unless it
    really must. That's pretty much SIGCHLD and SIGPIPE. Attempt no
    handling there. 

  2006-06-11 18:01:44 (r1979) by rcaputo; poe/lib/POE/Queue/ M

    Allow POE::Queue::Array to be subclassed. Resolves ticket
    19447, reported by Randal Schwartz. 

  2006-06-09 16:18:24 (r1978) by bingosnet
  extras/poco-list.perl M; extras/smoker.perl M

    smoker.perl now has commandline options for changing settings

  2006-06-07 06:15:52 (r1977) by immute; poe/lib/POE/ M

    Removed depreciated code from POE::Session::new()

  2006-06-06 03:07:35 (r1976) by immute
  poe/lib/POE/Component/Client/ M;
  poe/lib/POE/Component/Server/ M

    Added callbacks exposing High/Low-Mark in the ReadWrite wheel of
    PoCo-Client-TCP and PoCo-Server-TCP

  2006-05-31 15:21:38 (r1975) by rcaputo; extras/ M

    Reflow commit messages for IRC. 

  2006-05-31 14:07:46 (r1974) by rcaputo
  poe/mylib/ D; poe/mylib/smoker.perl D;
  extras/ A; extras/smoker.perl A; poe/MANIFEST M

    Move the bots over to extras. Remove them from MANIFEST. They're not
    directly part of POE development, and they don't need to be included
    in the distribution. 

  2006-05-31 09:28:16 (r1973) by bsmith
  poe/mylib/smoker.perl A; poe/MANIFEST M

    Small smoker script from BinGOs that posts results to the pastebot.
    Also fix MANIFEST.

  2006-05-30 20:51:59 (r1972) by bsmith; poe/mylib/ A

    Relay bot for commits (with colour removal).

  2006-05-30 20:32:30 (r1971) by bsmith
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/10_units/05_filters/01_block.t M;
  poe/tests/10_units/05_filters/04_line.t M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/20_resources/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/10_units/05_filters/02_grep.t M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/20_resources/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/20_resources/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/10_units/05_filters/07_reference.t M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/20_resources/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/20_resources/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/10_units/05_filters/50_stackable.t M;
  poe/tests/90_regression/suzman_windows.t M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/10_units/05_filters/08_stream.t M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/20_resources/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/10_units/05_filters/99_filterchange.t M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/30_loops/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/10_units/05_filters/03_http.t M;
  poe/tests/20_resources/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/10_units/05_filters/05_map.t M;
  poe/tests/20_resources/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/20_resources/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/20_resources/00_base/ M;
  poe/tests/90_regression/neyuki_detach.t M

    Removed use lib qw(lib) from tests because we should be use libraries
    from blib.

  2006-05-30 19:15:22 (r1970) by bsmith
  poe/mylib/ M; poe/mylib/ M;
  poe/mylib/Test D; poe/mylib/ D; poe/MANIFEST M;
  poe/mylib/ D

    Removed the old test upload programs, and their test harness, and
    references to them.

  2006-05-30 19:10:28 (r1969) by bsmith; poe/mylib/gen-tests.perl M

    Modified gen-tests to use CORE::exit instead of POSIX::_exit, and to
    use Test::More in the outer script as this sets up handy things like

  2006-05-30 18:55:43 (r1968) by bsmith; poe/mylib/coverage.perl M

    Added some commandline flags to coverage.perl to allow it to run
    prove(1) instead of make test, not clean & build before running the
    tests, and to just print out the -MDevel::Cover option that should be

  2006-05-27 11:37:08 (r1967) by bsmith; poe/mylib/coverage.perl M

    Changes to mylib/coverage.perl:

    Fixes for running individual tests, and hiding modules in tests/.

    Also commenting out the harness_switches code more completely. 

  2006-05-25 04:10:29 (r1966) by rcaputo
  poe/tests/90_regression/cfedde-filter-httpd.t M;
  poe/tests/90_regression/immute-server-tcp-filter.t M

    Skip these two regression tests if HTTP::Request isn't available.