This version was released on 2006-04-10.

  2006-04-10 22:53:42 (r1935) by rcaputo; poe/lib/ M

    Make 0.3401 official for release. 

  2006-04-10 22:38:22 (r1934) by rcaputo
  poe/lib/POE/Component/Client/ M;
  poe/tests/90_regression/cfedde-filter-httpd.t A;
  poe/lib/POE/Filter/ M; poe/lib/POE/Component/Server/ M;

    Chris Fedde found a bug in the way Server::TCP creates filters. He
    was kind enough to provide a test case, so I was able to find and fix
    the problem easily. Thank you! 

  2006-04-10 20:37:40 (r1933) by rcaputo; poe/Makefile.PL M

    Fix a bug Rob Bloodgood discovered when installing on 5.5-ish
    systems. The find() subroutines were using next rather than return. 

  2006-04-06 17:58:43 (r1932) by rcaputo; poe/mylib/gen-meta.perl M

    Add the tests directory to the no-index directive. This should stop
    the CPAN indexer's squealing about missing permissions. 

  2006-04-06 16:21:11 (r1931) by rcaputo; poe/lib/ M

    Now at version 0.34_01 so that cpan test reports from svn aren't
    confused with the official release.