This version was released on 2005-04-18.

  2005-04-18 06:34:52 by rcaputo; tests/30_loops/00_base/ 1.5

    Re-entering Tk::MainLoop too many times, plus signals, seems to
    produce a very deterministic coredump, at least on my current FreeBSD
    perl build. Removed one of three instances of POE::Loop->run(), and
    the crashy-dumpy seems to have gone away. 

  2005-04-18 05:47:34 by rcaputo
  README 1.107; lib/ 1.192; lib/POE/Wheel/ 1.67

    Documentation tweaks. Bump the version up to 0.31 for release. 

  2005-04-18 05:03:23 by rcaputo; mylib/gen-tests.perl 1.8

    Replace exit(0) in the test templates with POSIX::_exit(0). Some
    libraries (*cough*Tk*cough*) override Perl's exit(), which seems to
    cause trouble with certain tests' exit values. So even if all the
    tests pass, the FILE fails! Augh! This seems to work around it
    nicely, and it's good mojo on OS X, FreeBSD, and ActivePerl. 

  2005-04-13 15:25:25 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ 1.66

    Replaced {STDIN,STDOUT,STDERR}_FILENO with checks for fileno() in the
    close-on-exec loop we have hand-rolled. I'm hoping the regular
    close-on-exec works similarly and won't close STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR if
    their descriptors happen to be >2. 

  2005-04-13 14:56:30 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Server/ 1.51

    Applied Nick Williams' patch to add Hostname to Server::TCP. This is
    a nonambiguous unpacked hostname or address that will be passed
    through inet_aton(). Useful when your hostnames can be four
    characters long, since they look suspiciously like packed addresses
    to length(). 

  2005-04-13 01:48:23 by rcaputo; mylib/ 1.5

    Remove Test::More as a dependency. It has a tendency to want lots of
    other modules. That dependency tree eventually leads to installing a
    new version of Perl. Big can of worms. 

  2005-04-12 23:02:19 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/ 1.19;
  lib/POE/Wheel/ 1.54;
  tests/30_loops/00_base/ 1.2

    Uhlarik OndÃej suggested that POE::Wheel::FollowTail should be
    allowed to follow files that don't exist yet. This change adds that
    feature, resolving Uhlarik's ticket, number 6048. I hope
    the utf-8 in his name comes through. 

  2005-04-12 22:17:15 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/ 1.14

    A cheap indent fix. 

  2005-04-12 18:40:07 by rcaputo; Makefile.PL 1.36

    Replace the hardcoded "make" utility with $Config::Config{make} so
    it's "nmake" or a cabbage or something on systems with nonstandard
    build tools. 

  2005-04-12 03:59:17 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Filter/ 1.40

    This guy named Jack has written a WebDAV server with POE and needs
    Filter::HTTPD not to bomb if the request method isn't GET, HEAD, or
    POST. I've applied a modified version of his patch, resolving RT
    ticket #11821. 

  2005-04-12 02:23:28 by rcaputo; mylib/ 1.4

    Add Test::Harness to the dependencies in an effort to solve ticket 12101 (Test::Harness being indexed as part of

  2005-04-12 01:43:22 by rcaputo; lib/POE/ 1.314;
  lib/POE/Wheel/ 1.65; mylib/ 1.53;
  tests/30_loops/00_base/ 1.3

    Nick Williams and Merijn Broeren at MSDW did the impossible and
    managed to make POE::Wheel::Run pass actual tests on ActivePerl.
    Damn, they're GOOD! This round of patches isn't 100% perfect (there's
    an issue with the Wheel under POE::Loop::Tk), but I'm confident it'll
    be CPAN-worthy shortly. 

  2005-04-12 01:39:02 by rcaputo; Makefile.PL 1.35

    Part of ExtUtils::AutoInstall's automated install procedure involves
    calling Makefile.PL multiple times with different parameters. This
    was causing the multiple "wanna run network tests?" questions. Now we
    skip the network tests prompt if Makefile.PL is being run again by

  2005-03-22 08:04:09 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ 1.71

    Update the code style, but nothing else is changed. This was while
    looking for a memory leak in IKC, but the leak hasn't been
    found/fixed yet. 

  2005-03-22 08:02:51 by rcaputo; lib/POE/ 1.313

    Make the wantarray code in call() more explicit, but don't change the
    semantics. This is while looking for a memory leak in IKC, but the
    leak hasn't been found/fixed yet. 

  2005-03-17 04:30:31 by apocal; lib/POE/Filter/ 1.33

    Patched it to cache the default freezer for performance reasons -
    brought up by bline, look at this ticket for more info - 

  2005-03-10 20:21:55 by rcaputo; lib/POE/ 1.110

    Applied Martijn van Beers' patch to make callbacks add reference
    counts just like postbacks do. Thanks, Martijn! 

  2005-02-20 15:56:42 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Filter/ 1.39

    Applied Martijn van Beers' patch to allow more than one request on a
    single connection. Also adjusted the code's style and spacing. 

  2005-02-09 16:26:48 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/ 1.12

    Tk::After timers don't use stop(). Rather, they use cancel(). I'm
    shocked---SHOCKED, I SAY---that I never ran into this before. 

  2005-02-03 20:48:56 by rcaputo; lib/POE/ 1.312

    Fix the call() example in the docs. Thanks to Tim Klein for spotting
    the error. 

  2005-02-02 06:02:21 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ 1.64

    Apply Matt Trout's NoSetSid patch to POE::Wheel::Run. When set, it
    disables setsid() in the child process. This closes
    ticket #3763. 

  2005-02-02 04:44:37 by rcaputo; lib/POE/ 1.311;
  lib/POE/Loop/ 1.42; lib/POE/Loop/ 1.9;
  lib/POE/Loop/ 1.58; lib/POE/Loop/ 1.11;
  lib/POE/Resource/ 1.13;
  tests/10_units/03_base/11_assert_usage.t 1.2;
  tests/20_resources/00_base/ 1.2;
  tests/20_resources/00_base/ 1.4;
  tests/20_resources/00_base/ 1.3;
  tests/20_resources/00_base/ 1.2

    Only poll for SIGCHLD when someone actually requests sig(CHLD)
    events. Most programs, most of the time, will be a lot less noisy
    when TRACE_EVENTS and friends are active. This closes
    ticket #8821. 

  2005-02-02 02:22:16 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/ 1.57

    Remove the minimum timeslice constant. Nobody complained while it was
    set to 0, so the old Linux bug it worked around must surely be
    flushed out of most systems by now. 

  2005-01-29 20:11:41 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ 1.53

    Add a tell() method so programs can resume tailing a log where they
    previously left off. Feature requested by Thomas Nagel. Closes ticket 8461. 

  2005-01-28 22:57:30 by rcaputo; samples/fakelogin.perl 1.10;
  samples/forkbomb.perl 1.15; samples/names.perl 1.10;
  samples/objmaps.perl 1.6; samples/objsessions.perl 1.12;
  samples/packagesessions.perl 1.9; samples/selects.perl 1.14;
  samples/sessions.perl 1.21; samples/signals.perl 1.15;
  samples/thrash.perl 1.14; samples/wheels2.perl 1.7

    Remove POE::Session->new() from the tarball samples. Resolves ticket 8465. 

  2005-01-28 22:55:33 by rcaputo;
  tests/20_resources/00_base/ 1.3;
  tests/30_loops/00_base/ 1.3;
  tests/30_loops/00_base/ 1.4;
  tests/30_loops/00_base/ 1.8

    Remove POE::Session->new() from tests. This wasn't an RT ticket, but
    it should have been. 

  2005-01-28 22:53:31 by rcaputo
  lib/POE/ 1.310; lib/POE/ 1.109

    Remove new() from documentation samples. This resolves
    ticket 8464. 

  2005-01-28 17:54:25 by rcaputo; lib/POE/ 1.4

    Remove link to ADT::PriorityQueue per Sam Carmalt's report. 

  2005-01-28 16:29:19 by lotr; lib/POE/ 1.108

    Create a instantiate method, so you can override that when you want
    to process extra parameters when subclassing POE::Session. closes bug

  2005-01-28 08:07:35 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ 1.63

    Applying Jay Kim's patch from RT ticket 8807. This adds checks to
    make sure redirection actually works in the child program. Nasty
    deathy things happen if redirection fails, so we should at least know
    why, right? 

  2005-01-28 07:52:45 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ 1.62

    Jay Kim reported that setsid() wasn't being effectively called. It
    would have thrown an "Undefined subroutine" error had it not been
    encased in eval{}. Applied Jay's patch. 

  2005-01-28 07:48:41 by rcaputo; lib/POE/ 1.107

    Fix a typo in the documentation, thanks to an anonymous tip in bug 8716. 

  2005-01-28 07:38:33 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.114;
  lib/POE/Component/Server/ 1.50;
  tests/90_regression/ferrari-server-unix.t 1.1

    Martin Ferrari pointed out that there's an annoying warning when
    using POE::Component::Server::TCP in the undocumented AF_UNIX mode.
    This commit applies his patch and adds his test case so it won't
    happen again.