This version was released on 2001-03-25.

Rocco fixed where Client::TCP did not always call its Disconnected callback when the client requested a disconnect.

Rocco revised the order of operations in Wheel::Curses' initialization, but it didn't fix the bug he was looking for.

Rocco made missing termcap warnings less ugly in t/00_coverage.t.

Rocco rewrote POE::Kernel's internal data structure documentation.

Sungo found a buglet (because it was harmless... this time) in POE::Kernel's dispatch function. It was breaking Session encapsulation because of a typo. Rocco applied the fix.

Bline found out that POE::NFA's goto_state() was not going to the very first state before his session was needed by other startup sessions. Rocco made goto_state() be synchronous the first time, so that the equivalent of a synchronous _start would happen.

Rocco updated POE::NFA to use CALLER_FILE_NAME and CALLER_FILE_LINE so that ARG0 is in the same offset as the other sessions.

Rocco added a get_runstate() method to POE::NFA. This is equivalent to get_heap() in POE::Session.

Rocco patched Wheel::ReadLine to use a private copy of STDIN and STDOUT so that other code could redirect them.

Rocco wrapped binmode() in eval{} in Kernel and SocketFactory. It turns out that binmode() is not so harmless if it's used with a tied filehandle class that doesn't support it.

Rocco wrapped Kernel's fcntl() calls in a test for tied() since fcntl on tied filehandles isn't meaningful.

TonyC spent considerable time beating on Win32 support and found a workable work-around to tests 4 and 10 failing. Rocco applied some patches.

Curses doesn't always update the screen properly if STDIN is not in blocking mode. Rocco patched POE::Wheel::Curses to ensure STDIN blocks.

Rocco updated the Windows and MacOS support info. in POE's man page based on user feedback.

Rocco found and fixed a circular reference in POE::Wheel::ReadLine that prevented it (and thus programs) from exiting cleanly.

Rocco added blib and blib/lib to lib/deptest.perl, making it more useful for other modules.