This version was released on 2001-06-02.

Kirill found a bug in alarm_adjust(): it would corrupt/disorder the alarm queue. Added ASSERT_ALARMS to POE::Kernel::Select, ensuring that the alarm queue stays in order-- or ELSE!

Added tests to t/02_alarms.t, tweaking the disordered alarm queue bug in alarm_adjust().

Fixed alarm_adjust(). Optimized a little in _enqueue_alarm() while I was there.

Coral spotted me using "either" to refer to three things in the POE::Kernel manpage. Corrected that bit of bad grammar. If anyone else wants to pick over the rest of the documentation for errors, they'd better submit patches too.

I had no idea the files in the ./lib directory were being installed. They were never meant to be, but MakeMaker was including that directory by default. Fletch pointed me to PMLIBDIRS, which I have tweaked to prevent this from happening in the future.

Philip Gwyn found and patched a bug where setting (trace => 0) on a session turned tracing on. I fixed the same bug for (debug => 0), and I fixed both options in also.

Philip Gwyn found a documentation bug in POE::Session, claiming that STATE wasn't _default in _default handlers. Fixed.

Matt Cashner pointed out extraneous noise in t/00_coverage.t, which was subsequently squelched.