This version was released on 2001-05-28.

may break code: Tk postbacks must return 0. Gtk postbacks must return 1. Actually, Gtk postbacks might return 0, too. The test relies on 0, anyway, but mandrake says he needs postbacks to return 1. I'm so confused! Leave Gtk's postback return value 0 for now, but it might change later.

may break code: Deprecation schedules and other notices have been moved to a TODO file. Please consult that file or be surprised later.

may break code: Changes has been renamed to CHANGES to follow suit with MANIFEST and README.

may break code: Breakage warning! XyzState parameters in wheels have been renamed to XyzEvent and documented as such. They are guaranteed to work without warnings until ????.??.??.

Fix t/06_tk.t to skip if Tk is outdated, rather than fail.

Fix lib/deptest.perl to recognize Exporter on Solaris.

Increase dependency checking information on Solaris in case attempts to fix the Exporter bug aren't successful.

Add XyzEvent support to wheels. Code to support XyzEvent and XyzState is marked with the comment C<# STATE-EVENT>. Hooks for deprecation warnings are also commented. Changed the documentation to say XyvEvent instead of XyzState, so new users will not learn the deprecated ways.

Verified that the deprecation from State to Event does not break existing tests.

Ported the existing tests to use XyzEvent instead of XyzState, and verified that they still pass.

Added instructions for installing the ActiveState PPM to README.

Ported the samples from XyzState to XyzEvent, but they still are not properly tested.

Add POE::Kernel methods detach_myself() and detach_child() to detach the current session from its parent, or a child session from the current one. This breaks the existing parent/child relationship, allowing parent sessions to be garbage collected if they're no longer needed. It resembles the fork/exec trick in Unix.

Added test t/25_detach.t to test detaching sessions.

Fixed a typo in POE::Kernel; the bareword "hostname" should be $hostname, what with all the work Kernel does to set it properly. Ray Brinzer's (SF: petruchio) keen eye spotted this one.

Win32's four-argument select() call fails when there are no filehandles. In this case, call sleep() instead. Have Time::HiRes import its own sleep() if it's available, so that subsecond sleeps will work.