This version was released on 2001-01-13.

Fletch pointed out that SunOS has a psrinfo command to describe a Sparc's processors. Excellent! Updated the README.

Added IO::Pty support to Wheel::Run. Skip the Pty tests if IO::Pty isn't available, so's not to break testing for people without it.

Torvald Riegel pointed out that POE::NFA's goto_state() method required an entry event. The documentation says it's not mandatory, so I added his patch to make it optional.

Added a STATE parameter to POE::NFA event handlers. STATE contains the name of the machine's current state.

Added a get_current_state() method to POE::NFA. It returns the machine's current state's name.

Added t/23_nfa.t to exercise bits of POE::NFA.

Added code to prevent session IDs from colliding after integer increment wraps.

Devolped a deprecation schedule for some iffy current features and to make the names of things more consistent.

Added TRACE_RETURNS and ASSERT_RETURNS to generate warnings and/or hard errors whenever a Kernel function will return an error.

Updated POE::Session's postback() documentation based on user feedback. Thanks again to Rob Bloodgood.

Rob Bloodgood sent in a patch for POE::Component::Server::TCP to let it bind to specific interface addresses. The default behavior is the same as before: bind to INADDR_ANY.