This version was released on 2000-05-23.

I forgot to document POE::Session's constructors. Oops! Now they are documented.

Rewrote the POE::Wheel POD.

Found the Perl symbols that weren't being exported for OS/2 and AIX (and maybe Windows). Fixed to export them, and now Event builds and tests ok. Sweet! Added initial Event support to POE::Kernel and removed the Event caveats throughout POE's documentation.

Added t/06_tk.t to test Tk support. This tests file, idle and after events. It does nothing with signals, which Tk doesn't handle, and nothing heavy duty. Tk support is functional but still experimental.

a-mused pointed out that samples/tk.perl wasn't stopping its alarm counters when it ought to. This turned out to be a problem with POE::Kernel's delay() method not clearing timed events. Fixed!

Turned the idle kernel check into a macro, and used it not only from POE::Kernel's run() method but also from the Tk and Event callbacks. Before this, IDLE would never be posted when using Tk or Event.

Enhanced TestSetup (used privately by the t/*.t tests) to skip entire test files when given 0 for the number of tests.

The Tk version of POE::Kernel's run() method would never exit, even when there were no more sessions. This has been fixed, after much guts wrangling.

Added t/07_event.t to test Event support. While this is a proper test of Event's timer, io and idle events, it doesn't cover signals or any heavy duty tasks. Thus the Event support is functional but still experimental.