This version was released on 2000-05-12.

Addi found a list of Win32 error codes, including the elusive EINPROGRESS. I changed the dummy value to the correct one in POE::Kernel and POE::Wheel::SocketFactory. Now SocketFactory works on Win32, in perl 5.005_03. Mileage may vary as MSWin32 perl evolves.

I finally found a system where Perl/Tk builds. This isn't a comment on Perl/Tk (which is huge to build; 77 megs!) as much as it is on the state of its OS/2 port. The samples/tk.perl example program is working!

Documentation is still lagging behind development at the moment, but I should have more time to focus on it now that the Tk support is in open beta on the 'web site.

Since 0.100201 was a private beta for Win32 support testing, and maybe two people at most have seen it, you should give its section of the Changes a look.