This version was released on 2000-04-17.

MJD pointed out (heh) that references have string/number magic like $!. That is, they return just a number in numeric context, and in fact they're are stored as numbers internally, so string context wastes time making them look pretty in the first place.

Added POE::Preprocessor, a source filter for macro preprocessing, constants, and enumerations.

Overhauled POE::Kernel's source. Commented just about everything. Broke apart some monolithic subroutines. Replaced redundant code and smaller internal subs with inline POE::Preprocessor macros.

Overhauled POE::Kernel's manpage SYNOPSIS. Made the formatting a little neater. Made the parameter names a little clearer. Explained what's going on in greater detail.

may break code: Removed the silly and long-deprecated $kernel->session_create method.

may break code: Split the debugging constants between assertions which die noisily and traces that show ongoing activity. Renamed them to ASSERT_* and TRACE_* to reflect their function.

Added ASSERT_DEFAULT and TRACE_DEFAULT to change the defaults for ASSERT_* and TRACE_*. These let programs turn everything on with one or two statements.

Set ASSERT_DEFAULT to true in t/*.t so the tests are more thorough.

Documented the ASSERT_* and TRACE_* constants.

Added t/03_aliases.t to test session aliases.

Added t/04_selects.t to test filehandle watchers.

Overhauled POE::Session's source. Commented just about everything, including the strange but true POE::Session->new() constructor. Replaced redundant code and smaller internal subs with inline POE::Preprocessor macros.

Overhauled POE::Session's manpage SYNOPSIS. Made the formatting a little neater. Made the parameters a little clearer. Explained what's going on in greater detail.

Optimized away the recursion for redirecting unknown states to _default in POE::Session::_invoke_state. Programs that rely on _default should run a bit faster without the extra function call.

Removed poing.perl from the samples directory. It had evolved into a separate program in its own right. It's now available from the author's page at

Documented $kernel->fork() as experimental.

Added experimental postback features to POE::Session.

Un-deprecated $kernel->ID_session_to_id. While $kernel->alias_resolve does the same thing, ID_session_to_id can be faster when code expects to be working with session IDs.