This version was released on 2000-02-16.

Replaced some lame hosts with some interesting routers in the poing.perl sample. For values of lame and interesting. Added some code to read configuration options from ~/.poingrc (or default to the options after __END__) so I can change options to my heart's content without annoying anyone.

Gabriel Kihlman <!gk> found a race in SocketFactory's connect error detection. Changed the way errors are detected during connection, removing an entire state in the process. People from Connecticut should let me know if this is a problem. :)

Added a brief note about _signal and _default signal-handling semantics in POE::Session, with a pointer to the more comprehensive POE::Kernel signal discussion.

Separated alarms from plain events. Made the plain event queue FIFO; the alarm queue time ordered. Posting and dispatching events should be faster, since they would not need to binary seek and insert. This turned out to be false, because the constant overhead of checking two queues greatly offset any increased post/dispatch efficiency. Backed this "optimization" out.

Benchmarked several different "switch" implementations, only to find out that if/elsif/else is fastest anyway.

may break code: Added internal event types within POE::Kernel. Posting _stop at a session will not kill it anymore.

Fixed POE::Kernel->alarm() and POE::Kernel->delay() to make use of the new internal event types. Now these two functions can only discard alarm events. Documented the change.

Added POE::Kernel::queue_peek_alarms, which returns the pending alarm events queued for the current session.

Updated samples/signals.perl to display pending alarms.