This version was released on 2000-01-05.

Added a getsockname() method to SocketFactory. This is used to find out which address and/or port a listening SocketFactory is bound to. Great for servers that create dynamic listening sockets, like DCC and FTP.

Added code to samples/socketfactory.perl to display bind addresses using $wheel->getsockname().

Made some minor cosmetic changes to SocketFactory. This was to be a clean rewrite of SocketFactory's internals so they could support new protocols (like UDP), but time ran out.

Added samples/udp.perl to show how UDP sockets fit into the scheme of things. It's also to get me in the mood to support other protocols in SocketFactory.

Fixed's documentation to include new tests and samples. These are poing.perl (multi-host ping); udp.perl; and wheels2.perl (two-handle ReadWrite).

Barring problems [crosses fingers], 0.0805 will be the last subversion before 0.09. SocketFactory revisions should appear in 0.0901.