This version was released on 1999-05-30.

Begin reorganizing POE development. The tests/ subdirectory is now samples/.

Added POE-HINTS documentation.

Added POE::Curator, POE::Ojbect and POE::Runtime classes. These implement the start of the heretofore "Mythical" Object Layer.

Added samples/olayer.perl to test the current Object Layer features. The object layer is in early development, so there's no documentation outside the olayer.perl comments.

Applied Philip Gwyn's serialization patch to Filter::Reference. Added his serialization test as samples/ref-type.perl. Updated documentation for Filter::Reference to match patch.

Applied Philip Gwyn's updated patches for hot-swappable filters. Added his filter swapping test as samples/filterchange.perl. I have much more confidence in this now that it's tested.

Updated documentation to point to the samples/ directory.

Fixed t/test.t to point to the samples/ directory.

Made dist on a FreeBSD system, so the permissions should be correct.