This version was released on 1999-05-12.

"Crunch time" is sort of over. An emergency in April put everything on hold. I had a lot of time away from working on POE, and I came back refreshed and with some funky new ideas. Unfortunately, it sort of ruined my plans for releasing 0.07, and 0.07 is delayed until I move development over to CVS.

&POE::Kernel::post() now returns undef for error. The "success" return value currently is 1, but this may change. It's better right now to check for definedness as success. On error, $! will be set as per &POE::Kernel::alias_resolve().

&POE::Kernel::call() has improved return values, similar to &post's. See the docs.

&POE::Session::create is a new constructor, with some type checking. It uses a completely different call signature. See the docs.

Philip Gwyn's patches for hot-swappable filters are in. They are highly experimental and untested. No guarantees, not even that they'll exist in future releases. Feedback would be appreciated.