

In my experience, all forms of automagic and DWIM should be viewed as fraught with peril. Implicit behaviour can lead to suprises.


What if the connection closes? Should we throw away all the state we have set up regarding that session (proxy sessions, etc). Or do we try to reconnect, saving up messages that are routed to that kernel? (with timeout, of course)

Even nuttier: how about saving Messages to some backing store (disk, DB, ...). That way even if the daemon dies, when it restarts it can reload the Message and try to send it again.


By Postback, I mean something like


    $poe_kernel->post(session2=>'something', {
                        TellMe=>'favorite colour',
At the destination
... then eventually
    $poe_kernel->post($heap->{$id}{session}, $heap->{$id}{event});

Because POE uses a simple string for Event names, and sessions assume they postback to $_[SENDER] and that they can keep $_[SENDER]->ID around, it is next to impossible to have transparent IKC post backs!

IKC1 attempts to remedy this by creating a temporary proxy $_session for [SENDER], but it needs to be GCed at some point. $_IKC1 does it after the destination state is finished. In practice, this isn't long enough. Also, creating a session per message is wasteful, though all messages from a given session could they could be aglomerated.

But then, what about


and other, related functions?

This requires extra coding at the source end.

This requires extra coding at the source end.

If we can't control the source end, we could do an additional trick. We would have to keep a list of all event parameters that are events and then turn those parameters into the special postback object when we marshall the parameters.

This last requires extra coding on either side.

In fact, I think I like this last idea best.