
Connections can be TCP/IP, unix sockets, or 2 way pipes. The first 2 assume that one kernel is listening to one end point and that another kernel connects to the other end.

One dream would be to simply specify a port. At startup we try to connect to the port on localhost. If that fails, we listen on Subsequent daemons would then connect to that port. This way all daemons would "automagically" connect, within a given computer. This would require auto-discovery of other kernels.

Care must be taken. If 2 daemons try to connect, fail, and try to listen, one will fail. Random back-off must be used. Also, not all processes using IKC will live long enough to make having them as the listener a good thing.

User code will want to monitor the connection, if only to find out when a remote session session is available / ceases to be avaible / other changes in state.