Resolving IPv6 Addresses

All elements of POE's network stack that resolve host names to Internet addresses must produce IPv4 or IPv6 addresses upon request.

Internet address support may be configured in four ways.

Modules that resolve host names to Internet addresses must accept a new parameter (IPVersion) to indicate the preferred address family.

The default configuration will depend upon the presence of IPv6 support at compile time.

A POE::Kernel-scoped constant can override the default, for example if IPv6 addresses cause a problem when IPv6 support is loaded.

In the absence of an IPVERSION constant, POE::Kernel will look for a POE_IPVERSION environment variable.

Consuming Internet Addresses

All elements of POE's core network stack that consume Internet addresses must be extended to accept and properly handle IPv6 addresses. IPv6 addresses may be identified by the presence of a colon. Absence of a colon in the address will cause it to be treated as IPv4.

In addition, the POE project must extend the following vital components to produce and/or accept IPv6 addresses upon request.

Additional modules must be upgraded by their project teams or contributors.


If possible, POE should provide or use code that "does the right thing".

POE's documentation must be amended to recommend best practices for IPv6 support.